CAE JUNO Nursing Skills Manikin - Complete Package with Tablet
Nursing programs are challenged with preparing new nurses for today’s hospital environment and sicker patients, even as access to clinical hours has diminished. Simulation can help fill the gap by delivering consistent training and helping learners to develop critical thinking skills. Introducing CAE Juno, CAE Healthcare’s clinical skills manikin and newest offering for nursing programs. Juno is a modern manikin that was designed to meet educational requirements for clinical nursing skills, from task training through advanced patient care scenarios.
- Realistic articulation
- Range of motion in hips, knees, ankles, shoulders, elbows and wrist
- Cervical motion for practice of patient stabilization
- Oral and dental hygiene
- Nasal packing
- Bag-valve-mask (BVM) ventilation
- Nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal airway placement
- Endotracheal tube placement
- Tracheostomy tube placement
- Endotracheal tube and tracheostomy tube suctioning with fluids
- Manual bilateral chest rise and fall with BVM ventilation via face mask, endotracheal tube and tracheostomy tube
- Bilateral chest tube insertion for care and maintenance
- Unilateral blood pressure measurement by auscultation and palpation
- Bilateral carotid pulses (manual)
- Unilateral subclavian catheter insertion for care and maintenance
- Nasogastric tube insertion and gastric lavage and gavage with real fluids
- Ostomy care and irrigation of a variety of configurable stomas
- Enema administration with fluids
- Eye and ear irrigation
- Six intramuscular sites for medication administration in bilateral deltoids, bilateral vastus lateralis, ventrogluteal and dorsogluteal sites
- Urinary catheterization with fluids
- Interchangeable genitalia
- Unilateral IV cannulation at antecubital and dorsum of hand
- Fluid and medication administration
- Blood draw with vacuum sealed blood collection system
- Manikin
- Articulated Arm
- IV Arm
- Dual Gender
- 10 Basic SCE's
- Chronic heart failure exacerbation
- Gastrointestinal bleed secondary to esophageal varices
- Skills validation
- Asthma management of patient in home care setting
- Postoperative care of the patient with complications: pneumonia
- Suctioning and tracheostomy care with hypoxia
- Basic assessment of the hip replacement patient
- Postoperative care of the patient with a ruptured diverticulum
- Seizure disorder and moderate learning disability
- Dementia and urinary tract infection in a patient with DNR orders
- NIBP Arm (?)
- Live Box Eletronics (?)
- Instructor Tablet
- Accessories Available
- Covers labor and materials for product repairs, software updates (for the Live & Complete versions) and technical, customer service and clinical support via phone and email. First year included. Extended warranty available.
About Our Simulation Curriculum
All of CAE Healthcare's simulation curriculum and patient cases are developed in collaboration with leading educational institutions and clinical experts. Simulated Clinical Experiences (SCEs) and patient cases are reviewed by healthcare educators to ensure they convey best practices and standards of care. We frequently update our curriculum based on the latest society guidelines and in collaboration with subject matter experts and offer the widest breadth of scenarios and cases, developed over 15 years in simulation, so learners can gain exposure to more patients than they would over years in practice.
Simulated Clinical Experiences include a scenario synopsis, learning objectives, learner performance measures, facilitator's notes, debriefing points, teaching questions and evidence-based references. We provide simple cases for beginners as well as a full range of complex scenarios and procedures to help practicing clinicians improve preparation and readiness. We incorporate rich patient content, from lab reports and x-rays to patient histories, based on real patient data, and our simulators can present multiple pathologies and complications to allow practice of emergency management response.
Chronic/Community Care Nursing
Focused on providing care to patients battling long-term diseases
High Acuity Nursing
Scenarios progress in difficulty from basic intubation to can’t ventilate-can’t intubate
Medical-Surgical Nursing
Covers a variety of acute medical problems and diseases with focus on critical thinking skills and the coordination of care for...
Nursing Assessment
Designed for beginning students in all types of professional nursing programs
Nursing Fundamentals
Covers basic nursing theory and clinical skills
Obstetrical Nursing
Focused on providing care during pregnancy and postpartum
PNCI - Program For Nursing Curriculum Integration
Updated in 2018! Ground-breaking learning package that was the first to integrate prelicensure curriculum with high-fidelity patient simulation
Pathogens of High Consequence
Assess and improve team preparedness to safely and effectively care for critically ill patients presenting with Suspected COVID-19, Ebola, Severe Acute...